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THE robersons               in Romania
 The Village PiteÈ™Ti      



We live in Pitesti, an urban industrial city just northwest of Bucharest. We have made great relationships and desire to continue sharing the gospel through our shared lives with others. Kalep is leading our new church plant -The Village- alongside Andrei. We are continuing to be creative in making relationships with unbelievers through any means necessary. Consider partnering with us as we share the Gospel with the unreached in Pitesti. 

  • Who we are


  • What we believe


  • What we want to be known for

The Village Pitesti is a gospel-centered, church plant led by Kalep and local national leaders. Our church desires to be characterized by l individuals who:


- know Christ and make Him known -


The Village holds to traditional evangelical confessionalism.  While we believe it is vital to determine where one stands on doctrines of second importance, we do wish to make known our convictions on the following five theologically-driven core values:

  • Gospel centrality in all of life

  • The sovereignty of God in saving sinners

  • The work of the Holy Spirit for life and ministry

  • The equality of male and female and the principle of male servant leadership

  • The local church as God’s primary mission strategy


The Village Pitești strives to be known for:

  • Planting churches that plant churches

  • Pursuing holiness and humility

  • Reaching the unengaged through ordinary means

  • Praying for conversions through evangelism

  • Seeking justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God



We believe that the best way to fulfill the Great Commission is through the local church. Therefore, we engage in planting churches that plant churches. We, also, believe that wherever the local church is that its members should engage in evangelism and discipleship. To evangelize and disciple the lost, we must use methods. Our method for reaching the lost is meeting the needs of those around us and creating organic relationships with them and introducing the Gospel to them through those relationships and everyday interactions. 


Our family served in Northwest Romania outside of the metropolitan city of Oradea in rural areas from 2013-2018. However, in 2019, we decided to follow God's calling to south central Romania to start a church and ministry in PiteÈ™ti, Romania. More about PiteÈ™ti and the Gospel Climate here click this link.


When we moved to Romania, we started an after-school program for under-educated children. In 2017, we gave the leadership of the program over to Romanian staff. We have learned a lot over the years, and God has continued to be good to us! Through this time of learning and assimilation, God has placed on our hearts and lives a call to church planting, elderly care, and evangelism among the unengaged. 


We believe that God has called our family to disciple the believers in areas that have little to no access to the Gospel through a local church plant. Ashley’s heart for the elderly, and consequently mine too, has grown. God has given us the ministry and task of loving the elderly in our neighborhood and meeting their physical needs with the sole purpose of sharing Christ. In order to make relationships and share the Gospel, we plan to offer free English classes to those we meet in PiteÈ™ti for people of all ages. Also, we plan to offer a program similar to the "Y" in the states or the "boys and girls club" for children to come to hangout in a safe environment after school hours. In time, we hope to have some university student activities and activities for moms and their little ones.

We are excited about the work that God has prepared for us and are humbled by the support from our sending church-Northbrook (Threeway,TN) and all our friends and family who pray and give sacrificially so that we can make disciples in Romania!


We are, also, thankful for our sending agency Kontaktmission USA by partnering with us to share the Gospel with the unengaged and unreached of Romania.


We are excited about what God has done, is doing, and will continue to do through us.


- To HIM be the glory!

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